Create premium assessment experiences by configuring your customised process
These are the tests, quizzes and exercises that you will be able to configure in your evaluation process. And if you don't fit any of them, we can develop tailor-made for you the exercise you want.
It is the test par excellence to measure the degree of knowledge that a person possesses. It is a test with a single or multiple answer option, depending on how it is configured. It also allows the incorporation of all kinds of multimedia material (videos, images, audios) to enrich the test to the maximum.
A test to be carried out by the participant himself/herself about his/her perception of him/herself. Thanks to this test you will have the opportunity to carry out a work of introspection and self-reflection that will allow you to discover in an autonomous and personal way your strengths and areas for improvement. This test does not score on the results of the process. It belongs to the set of tests called "Self-assessment and reflection".
Same test as the Self-perception test but written in third person to be carried out by a manager, a colleague, a coordinator, a superior, etc... Ideal for 360º evaluations. This will help both the participant and the Evaluator to know how he/she is perceived in the functions of his/her job and day-to-day work.
Written exercise (free text) in which the participant must answer a series of questions, problems or assumptions. They will have a certain amount of time to analyse and think about their answers. It also allows them to assess their written expression, spelling, etc...
Drag-and-drop exercise in which the participant has to select a number of processes or tasks related to the job.
Survey, without any impact on the grade or results, which can be used to find out the level of satisfaction of the participant with regard to the process carried out, as well as to collect other data of interest.
Oral tests defined by you, in which conversations, interviews or questions can be used to analyse and score personal or professional competences or any other type of indicators. Some examples of oral exercises could be: Role Play, Interview, Business Plan, Case Study, Video interview, etc... You set the limits!
Oral group exercise in which 2 or more participants question, dialogue or debate on a given topic. It allows participants' spontaneity and improvisation to be assessed.
In this English level test the participant will have to complete a test with three blocks of 10 questions each: Grammar, Listening and Reading. This test will assess the participant's grammar level and listening and reading comprehension.
This test aims to determine the degree of technological knowledge of certain ICT skills. Our test is based on the European Framework of Digital Competences for Citizenship (DigComp). The framework provides a detailed description of all the skills needed to be competent in digital environments.
Different types of tests to try to clarify how the participant responds to problems, events, rules, procedures or social relationships. They can also help to understand the participant's behaviour in the workplace. We offer more than 30 different psychometric tests.
If you can't get enough of all the tests, exercises and quizzes TalentSuite offers, we can always design and develop a tailor-made exercise for you. TalentSuite is a software that evolves and adapts to you.